Mr. Dyer’s practice is focused on real estate transactions, including title and easement matters, leasing and secured financing and land use and water law.
Publications, Lectures, and Panels:
Bernhardt’s California Real Estate Laws (Lexis Law Publishing 2014) (with Roger S. Bernhardt)
California Real Estate Finance: Cases and Materials (Fifth Edition) (Carolina Academic Press 2008) (with Roger S. Bernhardt, Daniel B. Bogart and Dan S. Schechter)
“Judicial Foreclosure After the Revised Enforcement of Judgments Act,” 53 Real Property Law Reporter (VI Continuing Education of the Bar 1983)
Instructor, Monterey College of Law, Real Estate Secured Transactions, 1977 to 2007, Panelist, California Continuing Education of the Bar, 1980 to present:
• Real Property Purchase and Sale Agreements
• Real Property Financing
• Real Property Leasing
• Secured Real Property Transactions
• Preliminary Title Reports and Title Insurance
The State Bar of California (Real Property Law Section, Chair, 1984-1985)
Fellow, American College of Real Estate Lawyers
Monterey County Bar Association (President, 1991)